Tackled (Alpha Ballers #1)


“All I’m saying is that you need to truly believe that you can make it, and the put in the work it takes. It’s just as simple as that. I talked to the coaches. They’re definitely not sold on you yet, but they haven’t closed the door. If you do well in these next couple preseason games they might be willing to take a shot on you.”

I stopped. “You talked to the coaches about me?”

“Yeah, I did. Don’t look so surprised, it’s part of my job.”


“Anyway, you can still make the team.”

“I just gotta put in the work.”


Then we turned around and headed back to the car.


We made it back to my room without anyone seeing us, and as the door closed behind us, I was in Drake’s arms.

I breathed in deeply, letting Drake envelop me. I closed my eyes and gave up trying to keep standing, letting him guide me wherever he wanted. His kiss was deep and rough, pushing me away with its force while his arm around my waist pulled me in closer. I opened my mouth and let his tongue in.

I knew I was moaning, but didn’t know when I’d started and I didn’t care if anyone heard me. I needed this. I needed him. We kissed with abandon.

After a minute Drake relaxed his arm around my waist and I took the opportunity to come up for air, almost dizzy with want and need. We separated, smiling to each other. I looked down, making sure his shirt was clean; he looked straight at me. I could feel him devour me with his gaze, and it made me nervous and happy in equal amounts.

I could tell my face was flush, and in a rush I remembered where we were. I felt a little embarrassed, and turned away from him as best I could despite the magnetic pull that he seemed to exert on me without any outward effort.

He looked down at me, small next to him despite my higher than usual heels. I wondered if Drake liked my outfit, if he recognized that this was not how I normally dressed. That I’d dressed like this, with care, with extra care, today, just for him. How could he have known?

Drake pulled me back in close, so fast and tight that I gasped in surprise. His kiss was equally fast, but I’d regained my senses and was expecting, no, more like hoping it would come again, my lips still woozy from our kissing.

Our tongues danced together, a hint of what was soon to come.

When he stopped I moaned out loud like a harlot, so expressively that if anyone was walking down the hall they would have heard me. It didn’t matter. None of it mattered except him and me.

I could feel Drake’s powerful grip on my ass, squeezing me till I felt just a hint of pain. He kissed me, short and sweet, and I just let his wonderful tongue into my mouth.

He wasted no time, turning me around and standing behind me and letting his warm hands massage my shoulders and neck. I relaxed into his touch, feeling myself become even freer and more sensual by the moment. In real life I was a journalist, but in this room, alone with Drake Rollins, I was a sexual vixen.

The way he touched me never ceased to amaze me. It felt like a drug, one that I’d been clean and sober from for so long before getting yet another hit.

I wanted him. Badly.

“Ooooh, Drake,” I moaned at his touch. I couldn’t help it any longer. I could feel him loosening my neck and I let my head drift forward. He noticed the knots of tension in my neck and concentrated there. We hadn’t even made it past the doorway of my room and I was already putty in his hands.

Every time Drake’s fingers kneaded my shoulders and neck a sharp ping of pleasure would pulse through my body like an electric shock. As he continued I got more and more sensitive to it. Soon he wasn’t just touching my shoulder, he exposed my skin with his fingers and started kissing me up and down my neck and collarbone, making me groan with need.

“Drake,” I breathed, raising my hands and clasping them around his head as he kissed me, “you’re so wicked, turning me on like this.”

He grunted and continued kissing me. After a moment I let one hand drop down and caress his thigh over his tight and fitted suit pants. Drake turned into me and I could feel his hard cock pressing against me through his pants and my dress. I remembered its size and how it felt entering me and my mouth started to water.

I pushed myself back against the hard muscles of his body, just barely covered by the trappings of modern society. Drake was a lion and I was his prey. I could feel his stiff erection push back against me. The stimulation was getting to be too much but I couldn’t stop myself. I needed more.

Lucy Snow's books